Exhibition of paintings by Elena Bazanova «Trusting reality» from March 3 to 24, 2022

Елена Базанова
The splendor of art amazes us with its beauty and depth. It can make us forget ourselves in a world of harmony and aesthetic admiration. Such a wonderful work was the exhibition of Elena Bazanova's watercolor works "Trusting Reality", which takes place from March 3 to 24, 2022 at the Zarenkov gallery, located at 21 Socialist Street in St. Petersburg.

These delicate and finely executed watercolor works will immerse viewers in the world of beauty and sensuality. In each work, the artist conveys his emotions and thoughts, leaving us delighted with her talent and skill.
exhibition of watercolors by Elena Bazanova
Elena Bazanova's boundless imagination and unique style inspire admiration and inspiration, allowing us to get into the deep meaning of her works and learn more about how she sees the world.

The exhibition "Trusting Reality" is the embodiment of the fact that art can be a real miracle that can make us see beauty in the smallest details of life and reveal to us all the secrets of our soul.
exhibition of watercolors by Elena Bazanova
We invite everyone to this amazing exhibition to enjoy her beautiful works and immerse themselves in the world of amazing beauty and harmony.